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Publish your first SharePoint news post | complete tutorial


In this first of four lessons, we will turn you into a total expert at SharePoint news publishing!

This tutorial is particularly relevant for corporate communication professionals, but even if you’re just looking to make the most of your team’s SharePoint site you’ll get a lot of value from this one.

What you’ll get from our SharePoint news post tutorial

We’ll look at the difference between SharePoint intranet pages and news posts and how you can use the metadata field called promoted state to identify news posts.

While building the news post we talk through how to post in SharePoint on behalf of someone else, configuring the header, and adding text and other web parts. We also touch on the importance of keeping intranet news posts simple to avoid distracting your readers from the message you’re trying to communicate.

After saving a draft and posting your SharePoint news post, we also talks through Everything that happens in SharePoint after you publish your news post, including the SharePoint start page and news feed, news web parts on other intranet sites and on the smartphone app.

If you’ve never published anything on SharePoint before, we suggest you look at our tutorial on how to build your first SharePoint page and make it awesome.

Check our other SharePoint tutorials

Want to learn more about Microsoft SharePoint intranets? Check our other SharePoint tutorials now.

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How to find missing SharePoint pages


Have you ever tried to find missing SharePoint pages? It’s not always easy if you don’t know where to look!

Don’t worry… In this tutorial we’ll show you how you can find those pesky, missing pages.

What you’ll learn in this tutorial on how to find missing SharePoint pages

One problem with modern SharePoint intranet sites is that pages don’t normally get added to navigation automatically.

And news posts won’t stay on the home page for long… So, what to do if a SharePoint page that you need just is nowhere to be found?

In this 5-minute tutorial we talk you through how you can search for SharePoint pages. We also look at how you can normally find lost SharePoint pages either in the site pages library in site contents.

We’ll even show you how you can find your SharePoint pages and news posts in your site’s recycle bin, if someone deleted a page by accident.

Check our other SharePoint tutorials

Want to learn more about Microsoft SharePoint intranets? Check our other SharePoint tutorials now.

We’re on YouTube!

Was this tutorial useful? Check our YouTube channel for more of the same!

How to remove deleted videos from YouTube playlists


Have you ever tried to remove a deleted video from a YouTube playlist only to get stuck? YouTube has hidden that option well. But it’s easy once you know where to look.

Follow our mini tutorials below on how to remove deleted videos from YouTube playlists. And if you found the videos useful, please consider subscribing to our channel!

Remove deleted videos from YouTube using a computer

Remove deleted videos from YouTube using your iPhone

We’re on YouTube!

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How to build a SharePoint page – complete tutorial


So, you’re at work and you get told you will need to build a SharePoint intranet page. And you go like “whaaaaat?”

How to build a SharePoint page in 20 minutes!

In this tech tutorial from GoodGeeky we will walk you through how you build a modern SharePoint page from start to finish, and we’ll show you how you can make it look much better than your average intranet page.

We’ll explain SharePoint templates, the page building blocks or web parts that are available in SharePoint, and how to configure the SharePoint page headerHow to actually build the page.

Then we’ll move on to how you can make the most of columns in SharePoint pages, text formatting and how to make your intranet page easy to read Creative intranet page layouts.

Finally, we look at publishing your SharePoint intranet page and how you can spiffy it up just a little more.

Check our other SharePoint tutorials

Want to learn more about Microsoft SharePoint intranets? Check our other SharePoint tutorials now.

We’re on YouTube!

Was this tutorial useful? Check our YouTube channel for more of the same!