How to publish and manage SharePoint news links

In this tutorial we look at on SharePoint news links. This is the second tutorial in our series that will turn you into a SharePoint news publishing expert.

This series is highly relevant for corporate communication professionals, but even if you’re just looking to make the most of your team’s SharePoint site, you’ll get a lot of value out of this one.

What you’ll learn in this SharePoint news links tutorial

In this video we examine the differences between news links and news posts and teach you how you can use news links to avoid creating duplicate content on your intranet.

We show you how to create and edit news links and look at how news links show up in the SharePoint news feed just the same as news posts.

If you’ve published nothing on SharePoint before, we suggest you look at our video on how to build your first SharePoint page and make it awesome.

Check our other SharePoint tutorials

Want to learn more about Microsoft SharePoint intranets? Check our other SharePoint tutorials now.

We’re on YouTube!

Was this tutorial useful? Check our YouTube channel for more of the same!

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I'm a writer, content creator and all-round creative. When I'm not writing for GoodGeeky, I film and edit YouTube videos, write books (which never seem to get finished), practice martial arts (while trying not to do my knees in or get kicked in the face), build websites and intranets, and work for The Man.

Hi there! We want to share a few words on how we produce content for GoodGeeky: In short, YES, we do use generative AI to help speed up content production. NO, we never publish automatic, fully machine-generated content. Learn more about our publishing process here!